Link Exchange

We at Angels Of God are selective regarding the websites we link to. Still, we want to offer a place to allow like-minded websites to add their link to our site in return for a link to our webpage on their website. Thus, with this link exchange we can benefit each other.

Currently, we only have two criteria for a Link Exchange.

1. Content. The images and content on your site must be Spiritually oriented and family friendly.

2. Page Rank. The page on your site which would display our link must have a Google Page Rank of 3 or more.

If your website meets these criteria, please email and we will add your link down below. Make sure you include your website’s URL and the URL of the page where you have placed our link, and we will get right back to you. Contact us today.

Members of the Link Exchange.

Christ Centered Mall

Christ-Centered Mall, founded in 1998, is an online Christian Bible teaching ministry and shopping mall which provides pure biblical principles and sound biblical teaching not only for Christians but also for non-believers in hope that they repent and receive God’s gracious salvation plan in Jesus Christ.

Churches By Design

More and More You Need A Website For Your Church! As technology advances and more and more people are using the internet to find out where to go. A church website is a great way be found so you can spread the good news of Christ Jesus and draw new members into your church.


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