Ultimate Angel Guide: Best Facts And Secrets

Angels Of God reside in heaven, the spirit realm, and among us here on earth.

Explore our Ultimate Angel Guide to discover the best-kept secrets and facts about all angels. Did you know that angels coexist with us here on earth, in heaven, and in the spirit realm, a plane of existence outside our physical reality? Continue reading to discover a boatload of surprising facts about these amazing angels.

10 Key Facts to learn About Angels

I will reveal all the mind-blowing facts you need to know about every angel. Discover angel information not listed anywhere else. Come and learn foundational truths about each one. As I feature each angel, I will post all their characteristics, particulars, traits, details, and so much more.

Intriguing Angel Facts

#1. Did you know the Bible only mentions five angels by name?

So, “Who are the angels in the Bible, and what are their names?” They are Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Abaddon (Apollyon), and Yahweh. However, we get the additional names of the 72 angels of God from the Shemot.

  • #2. Do not worship them.

Worship is only appropriate for the creator (Rom. 1:24–25). Man will always be tempted to worship these heavenly agents since they are powerful beings. However, God alone is the one who creates, redeems, provides, and sustains. These divine agents are only acting as messengers of God; he has endowed them with his power and commands them.

  • #3. Don’t pray directly to angels.

There have been fascinating stories of angelic encounters and terrifying tales of demonic activity throughout the ages. Yet, Calling on the celestial members is dangerous because only demons will respond. And they will happily masquerade as godly helpers (2 Corinthians 11:14). But no good will come of it. Direct all prayer to the almighty king of kings. And he shall dispatch his holy servants when and if the need arises.

Man looking towards the heavens seek God's help

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Angel Guide: More Facts And Secrets.

  • 4. Each angel is an expert specialist.

Meaning each one is created with the innate ability to specialize in a unique task and is an expert at doing it. They immediately become aware of this calling upon their creation. Yes, they are first and foremost ambassadors of the King of Kings to humanity. But God also instructs them to tend to kingdoms, regions, and people when the need arises. Thus, Our heavenly father always has an expert waiting in the wings, ever ready to assist.

  • 5. Some Angels opposed God.

Lucifer, who was responsible for guarding God’s throne and bringing Him honor and worship, rebelled (Isaiah 14). Many angels joined him. Fallen angels (demons) exist in one of three places today: (1) On earth, attacking and discouraging humanity; (2) In Tartarus, a prison cell in hell, waiting for the Great Tribulation. (3) Under the Euphrates river.

This is one of the primary reason I mention this opposition story. An announcement is made from the golden altar as the sixth trumpet of the Apocalypse blows. The speaker say to free the four angels imprisoned under the Euphrates River. These four vengeful spirits will emerge brandishing their weapons, prepared to eliminate a third of humanity. This happens when the Euphrates dries up. And it’s rapidly drying up right now.

Daily Prayer & Blessing

  • Prayer To Surround oneself with the right people
    The Bible tells us to “be careful what kind of friends you make” (Proverbs 12:26) because the ones we spend time with significantly impact our lives. It’s why asking God to lead us to those who will love & support us is so important. Topic: Prayer to Surround oneself with the right people. 2

SHORT VERSION ABOVE. ** Thus, Please come read the actual prayer to receive the full blessing. You can click the title link in the post above and go directly to it. Or you can find it listed at the top of the > DAILY PRAYER PAGE

  • #6. Angels are end-time harvesters.

These Godly servants will separate the wheat from the weeds at the final judgment. They will distinguish the saved from the lost: “The field is our world, and the wheat represents the good folks who have honestly tried to align themselves with the one true Lord of lords.

Weeds are the people who choose to walk in the world’s evil ways; the non-believers, the cold-hearted, and the deceivers. The harvest refers to the end of time, and the harvesters are angels.” (Matthew 13:38-42, NIV)

  • #7. Satan imitates angels of light.

A word of caution: the Apostle Paul warned us in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. We must remember that Satan has the potential and desire to deceive us. It’s why you should never worship or pray to an angel. Ask for and or pray directly to God for help. Doing anything else will only lead to deception and your demise.

Let’s learn all about the Angels Of God

What information do we actually have regarding God’s messengers? We know they are not chubby infants with blushing cheeks and wings! Although God created them, Bible scriptures imply that they don’t “exist” in the same sense as us.

They are described as “spirits” by the author of Hebrews (Hebrews 1:13-14). Additionally, the Shemot further argues that these holy beings are really attributes of our heavenly father. They resemble Yahweh’s holy spirit in this way. Nonetheless, they are distinct and endowed with human-like free will.

Therefore, we intend to discover and publish the truth of these citizens of the heavenly kingdom. And we could use your assistance to accomplish that. Consequently, I invite you to share any knowledge, insight, information, opinions, or comments. We can create the ultimate angel guide to educate everyone about the Angels of God by working together.


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