Intercessory Prayer Service

Intercessory Prayer Service, hands folded in prayer over a bible

Our Intercessory Prayer Service can open the floodgates of heaven for you. God wants you to overflow in all things good: love, money, success, good health, peace, happiness, etc. The list is endless. All things are possible.

Furthermore, he wants to provide you with the things you want most but have been unable to attain. But even more than that, He can and wants to fulfill and satisfy your must-have needs.

Get out from under that dark cloud and walk in God’s boundless blessings, unwavering favor, & endless grace. The effectual fervent prayers of our prayer warriors availeth much. This service works for countless people and will also work for you.


Our Intercession service allows us to plead with God 24/7 for you to get your needs satisfied. But it is much more than that. Our Intercessions involve invoking God’s power and refusing to let go until your needs are met. You’re approved for Boundless Blessings. What are you waiting for?



Full-time, night, and day intercessory prayer calling for God to cover you in his grace and Boundless Blessings. Ongoing Supplication Sessions, Petitioning ministrations, and Sacramental adjurations to invoke the divine powers you need to attain what you want most and get your must-have needs satisfied.

Plus, Persistent obsecrations to cover you in blessings of Favor, Well-Being, Good fortune, Wealth, and Riches.

Unleashing Miracles: Escape the Shadows

Friends, have you ever felt the hum of creation reverberating in your heart and the hum of divine powers crackling in your soul? I have. I’ve stood on the brink of understanding, gazing into the blinding brilliance of God’s true nature. And let me tell you something. It is awe-inspiring.

Our Heavenly Father desires that all dwell in a positive overflow, not lack, adversity, or misfortune. And His unfathomable power throbs within Him like a restless volcano poised to unleash its firestorm upon the world. God is boiling over with anticipation to bless you with a miracle.

Yes, He yearns to bless you with a miracle, His heart overflowing with anticipation ever ready to erupt. Yet, the sinister forces of this world can appear as a shadowed prison to prevent you from receiving blessings.

These sinister forces are not physical entities but negative influences like doubt, fear, or negativity. Nonetheless, they have the sway to keep you from getting what you want or need most.

However, there is a way to escape the shadowed prison and flee its cage, which is preventing you from experiencing divine abundance. Yet that way is not found in earthly might nor in cunning schemes. The way lies within the united chorus of voices of our Intercessory Prayer Service.

If you are you suffering from broken relationships, stress, debt, or whatever other struggles? If you are not overflowing in all things good: love, money, success, happiness, etc. Sinister forces have you where they want you. Let us help you break free so you can receive all good things.

Our Heavenly Father yearns to shower us in abundance. Enlist the services of our prayer warrior team and watch the shadowed prison crumble, paving the way for your personal symphony of miracles.

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Intercessory Prayer Will Accomplish Much.

The fervent prayers of the devout are powerfully effective (James 5:16). And will accomplish much. And we know this is true because scores of people are receiving Boundless Blessings by using this service.

Welcome, and blessings to one and all! I pray that the truth of what you are about to read will be unmistakably clear in your life. The blessing of overflow can be directly traced to the ‘signature of God.’ Some things that happen in a person’s life can’t be brushed off as just acts of man. Thus, such events make apparent God’s intervention and give undeniable proof that He is the only one who deserves all the praise. And in this case, I’m speaking about walking in His overflowing benefits.

Our Heavenly Father desires that all dwell in a positive overflow, not lack, adversity, or misfortune. He instructs us to let our lights shine so brightly before all men that they may notice our divine rewards, which glorify our heavenly Father as we live and thrive here on Earth.

Furthermore, as you walk in the blessing of His abundance, it will be simple for others to SEE God at work. And want to draw nigh to Him. The Earth is under the dark veil of Satan, causing many to suffer. Even worse, evil has blurred their vision. Hence, they incorrectly blame our Heavenly Father for the hardships. Thus, they sink deeper into the pit of despair.

Breakthrough The Barrier.

Are you suffering from broken relationships, stress, or struggles? If you are not overflowing in all things good: love, money, success, happiness, etc. You are unknowingly allowing Satan to rob you blind. And coming one step closer to plunging head-first into the pit of despair. The same can be said even if your doing ok. The devil does not want you to be bursting at the seams in plenty. Indeed, you are being deceived.

God tells you not only to pray and give Him your problems. But also to look for people willing to take up your burdens through their prayers (Galatians 6:2). Jesus said, to receive you must ask (Matthew 7:7). Therefore, don’t let anything, like pride or doubt, stop you from ordering our service and asking us to pray for you.

Look, Intercessory Prayers release the power of God into your life. And as that happens, the dark veil of Satan is shattered, allowing you to freely receive the outpouring of goods our Father in heaven has ready for you.

You can break through the barrier of darkness today.

Release the power of God into your life with our Intercessory Prayer Service


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