Who is the first angel?

Who is the first angel
Who is the first angel

According to some, Lucifer was the first angel created by God. He was called the light carrier for a reason, after all. The story goes as follows: Before God created the first man, he created beings known as angels.

We know the Bible records the first man. But for reasons unknown, it does not register the first angel. The most common answer is that the Bible is a story of and for men, not angels. Even so, there are some nuances in the Bible about the first angel that most people miss.

So who was the very first angel created?

Lucifer was the most captivating and beautiful thing in the heavens, second only to God. Job’s statement that “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God screamed for delight” when God placed the earth’s “cornerstone” and sunk its “bases” may lend credence to this theory (Job 38:6–7).

However, for many, Jesus comes to mind when discussing the firstborn’s title. But we must remember, traditionally, Jesus is not an angel; he was present with God as a part of God, not as a separate angel. As a result, some may consider him the firstborn of all things but not the first angel.

We have more angelic candidates.

Zamariel is the next candidate. Hebrew in origin, Zamariel means “The first angel.” He also belongs to the group of Archangels that guide souls to judgment. Some assert He as (Saraqael) one of the seven holy angels who watch in Chapter 20 of the Book of Enoch I.

Yes, he has several names, including Saraquel, Surufel, Sourial, Suruel, Sarakiel, Surya, Sauriel, and Seriel. And Sariel is regarded as one of the four holy Archangels of eternity, according to The Book of Enoch. On the downside, he later belonged to the group evicted from heaven. However, that is unrelated to or invalidates the claims of being the firstborn.

Who is the oldest among the angels? A.K.A., the first angel.

Amenadiel also needs to appear on this list. However, his history and origins are relatively obscure. Some think he was the first angel to exist and is the oldest and most revered of them all. There is no information on Amenadiel in the Bible, but we can find him in ancient Judaic texts.

Amenadiel is described as the “King of the East” in the Theurgia-Goetia book, commanding over 1000 dukes and innumerable inferior spirits. According to the text, he is the archangel of day and night, which connects him to the creation account.

Is Amenadiel the very first angel created by God? Some say he is the oldest of the angels and the most senior. However, the most fascinating point is that Amenadiel is better known as the older brother of another angel, Lucifer. As a result, many claim he is the first angel created by God and the oldest brother of Lucifer, King of the Underworld.

Could the first angel be a supreme archangel?

I now have five more high-profile possibilities, each claiming to be the most powerful angel in the entire angelic realm. I want to thank Edith Mara for posting four of these fellas in the comments immediately after this story was published.

According to Edith, Gabriel sets the agenda; Michael is the leader; Uriel is the finest general ever; and Raphael is the peacemaker. She claims Michael is the leader of the four archangels and the highest archangel of the cosmos.

The name “Archangel” describes a variety of entities in various religions. These beings are usually at the top of the high in the spiritual order and are in charge of spiritually and occasionally physically protecting humanity.

Edith believes that Michael is the most powerful in the archangelic order. As a result, she proposes that Michael is the Supreme Archangel and the Angelic creation. What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments.

However, those are only four of the five. I did say five earlier, right? Yes, thanks to another update from Thomas, there are five. And yes, if you post a contender with supporting arguments in the comments, I will update this post with the new info.

Is Metatron the one?

Thomas says this. One of the most powerful archangels is Metatron. And he is the archangel of Empowerment and Life. He sits beside God in Heaven and is a speaker for God. Metatron guides the cherubs and seraphim and serves as the guide to humanity. He watches over the angelic realm and serves as a bridge to Earth.

Metatron is not a biblical figure, yet his name appears briefly in many Talmud sections. Some say he is a celestial scribe who records men’s merits and sins. Furthermore, others claim after the fall of man. He became the guardian of the tree of life and a keeper of heavenly secrets. And as the “lesser Yahweh,” God’s intermediary with men.

Is Metatron the one?

So, what is the answer?

Is it Lucifer, Jesus, Zamariel, Amenadiel, or someone else? There is no mention of the angelic kingdom in the Bible. As a result, your guess is as good as mine. There are many claims but no actual data to back them up.

Therefore the debate about who is number one is wide open. Who do you think it is? Please post your pick, along with whatever evidence or claims, in the comment section.

With your answers, I look forward to updating this post.

A must-read. Let us discuss the name of the first angel.


7 Responses

  1. There are four angels that are the most supreme in the entire angelic realm. These are the “Supreme Archangels” – the chief angels.

    Gabriel sets the agenda. Michael is the leader. Uriel is the ultimate general. Raphael is the peacemaker. Among them, who do you think is the supreme Archangel?

    But Michael is – The Supreme Archangel

    The term “Archangel” is used to describe many different beings in many different religions. These beings are usually the highest of the high in the spiritual hierarchy and are responsible for protecting humans spiritually, and sometimes even physically. One of the most powerful members of the archangelic order is Michael.

    Michael is the leader of the four archangels, and it is believed he is the supreme Archangel of the universe.

  2. Read your Bibles
    JESUS is the first of all creation. Helped in creating the rest of creations FOR HIMSELF! He comes down with the VOICE of the archangel in revelations when he comes to defeat satan once and for all.

    1. He comes down with the VOICE of the archangel. But is He consider an angel? Some claim – The Bible says Jesus is distinct from the angels in the fact that He created them. Therefore we have the distinction between the Creator and the created. what say you?

    2. If Jesus is God’s first creation then Gabriel being sent down as his messenger to Mary would not match that chronologically speaking. Some are led to believe humans would suffer horribly hearing “God’s” actual voice, that’s why he sends Gabriel. Then later on the Bible says God speaks to other humans yet nothing happens to them. Now what seems more logical to me, when the Bible says “The voice of God” it wouldn’t be his voice but his scribe, Metatron. Throughout human history scribes have been referred to as the voice of their leader. It would lead me to believe that if humans used the Bible as a basis on how to live life through history then God’s voice has never fell upon human ears only Angelic ears. It’s all honestly an interesting and tough debate considering the amount of material that has been removed and/or changed depending on monarchial perception of “Christianity”. Too many factors come into play, were there any books or passages that were destroyed instead of removed, lost to the ages? How many more are missing? The original manuscript has never been seen by human eyes in an amount of time we don’t really know. Or the probability that nobody has even remotely even spoke or shunned, the fact that Jesus could actually not be God’s son at all. God’s voice spoke saying he is his first born, making Metatron or possibly Gabriel his biological father. By the time of his birth, by the Bibles timeline, a handful of angels had already been cast out for insubordination. If faith teaches you God is all powerful, which makes him undying then even being a small percent of that lineage would make Jesus unable to be harmed by us thus making the claim he died for all of sins a complete lie. The Bible states he made the angels but only humans in his image. I feel like his feelings on angels mixing with humans was expressed clearly with the “Great Flood”/”Angels punishment” So wouldn’t Jesus have been a sacrifice by God as a punishment to the angels? Making it a second time God had to cleanse earth of angels breeding with humans. He died for their sins then not ours. Which makes sense to why Jesus probably didn’t ascend to heaven because angels resurrected him not God. If Jesus is God’s true son, he would be the only being capable of hearing him and would have come for his son himself and not sent a low level angel for such an important task. If God created both angels and humans, only us in his image yet still compatible enough to spawn children then wouldn’t that make angels and humans closely related through DNA? Let’s say Angels and humans siblings with us being more like the father and angels more like the mother. There are huge bits of information that are missing. But I am hopeful that we may find the facts sooner than later. In only a few decades I’ve witness a large amount of information being discovered that adds logical probability to this puzzle that shakes the very foundation of Christianity and “religion” altogether. We need to know our true beginnings or else we will be unable to make the correct changes in our world today, changes that will prevent this hasteful downfall the world is in.

  3. In genesis 3 vs 8, when Adam and Eve sinned. It is written, “ And they heard the voice of God walking in the garden….” . If we go to john 1 vs 1, it tells us that “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God”. So, the voice we see walking in the garden of Eden was Jesus himself, that’s why Adam and Eve had to hide from the Lord. So what we can conclude is that, Jesus is as old as God is, because he is the voice of God.

    As for which of the angels is the oldest, that’s a tricky one. As you can see, the angels mentioned in the books 📚 are the ones who associated with the humans, there maybe others older than the ones mentioned id like to believe that.

  4. No matter what anyone else says; Zamariel is the first angel God created and I won’t tell you my testimony or how I found out all this but I tell you In the name of Jesus that it IS Zamariel.

  5. And Zamariel – The First Angel, is just a title for Seraphiel so Seraphiel is his REAL Name. SERAPHIEL Is the first angel and leader of the Seraphim.

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