Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Evil Spirits

Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Evil Spirits

If you are in the battle and want the devil to be gone, use these Spiritual Warfare Prayers. Heavenly Father, cover us in Your protection. Send your holy spirit to help us stand against Satan’s evil workings. Let the Lord cast out and drive away demons to set you free by praying these prayers.

Prayers Against Evil Spirits | Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for Deliverance from Evil

God, save me from the evilness ever-present in my life. Help me defeat this threat of evil that is afflicting me. Release the power of Your Holy Spirit to get rid of every demonic entity.

Cast them into the darkest depths of hell and bind them there for all eternity! Banish from me all malice, curses, and and any jinx, wicked infestations, tyranny, possessions, and everything wicked.

By the authority of God Almighty, I Reject any alluring, new-age, occult, religious, antichrist, and other demonic spirits. I command and bind all satanic powers tormenting me to leave me forever and be sent into the everlasting lake of fire so you may never again assault me. Amen.

Defeat Evilness By Praying.

Spiritual Warfare, what is it?

There is an ongoing metaphysical conflict, and you are an active target. Irrespective of our feelings towards it, we are all caught up in the supernatural battle between good and evil.

If you do not participate in the conflict, you will still feel its effects, and you will be far more susceptible to attacks than if you choose to fight as God commands. Therefore, be active rather than passive. You defeat evilness by praying.

You can engage in spiritual combat with the assurance that God’s power working through you is far greater than the bane that opposes you. These prayers can thwart satanic attacks and afflictions. Use them to rebuke and cast out the devil.

Are you losing the battle against devilish entities? Get a Power Prayer

Cast out the wicked ones

Reject Satan and destroy every evil spirit.

God Almighty:
Strengthen and enlighten me. Show me every way Diablo is hindering, tempting, lying, and robbing me of your blessed gifts. Work in me to cleanse me from all ground that would give Lucifer a foothold against me. Come into my life, cast out and destroy every evil foe.

Heavenly Father, thanks for making way for me so I can live filled with your holy spirit and enjoy love, joy, peace, and self-control. I claim the fullness of your power and choose to walk in your Godly light. And I claim victory over all Satanic forces in my life.

With and in the power of God almighty, Satan, I reject and resist every endeavor you or your wicked spirits put forth. You have no place here. I command you and all your demons to flee from my presence.

Prayer To Win The War Against Satan.

Heavenly Father:

  • Come to my aid and help me win this war against Satan.
  • Bring me out of darkness into your light.
  • Liberate me free from every satanic stronghold.
  • Break all the chains of bondage and set me free.

God, crush all plots of wickedness and devilish schemes brought against me. Surround me with a mighty hedge of protection and hide me from the enemy. Deliver me from every way Satan is hindering, tempting, lying, and affecting me – so that I can enjoy all that is good again.

If you want Satan to leave you alone, pray these Spiritual Warfare Prayers.

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