Prayer To Break Bad Luck And Misfortune

God wants to break the chains of misfortune that are holding you back. If you’re ready to be set free, reach out to Him today. He will help you break free from the bondage of ill favor and give you a fresh fortuitous start. So reach out to Him today and ask for His help. Prayer To Break Bad Luck.

Blessing & Prayer To Break Bad Luck.

Almighty God, I stand weary under the shadow of ill fortune. Misfortune clings to me like a shroud, and bad luck seems to dog my every step. But I know, Lord, your hand remains steady even when the storm rages. You are the breaker of chains and the light that pierces the gloom.

Therefore, I lift my voice to You, not in anger but humble supplication. I pray You, Father, break the bonds of bad luck that hold me captive. Shatter the chains of misfortune that bind me. Let Your divine wind sweep away the clouds of negativity that hang over my life.

Cleanse me, Lord, from any darkness that clings to me. Forgive any error that may have opened the door to these trials. Guide me to walk in Your light. Bless me with the wisdom to navigate past my challenges.

Fill me, God, with unwavering faith. Let Your hope be my anchor in this storm. Please give me the strength to persevere, the courage to face what lies ahead, and your spirit to deliver me from the midst of hardship.

I surrender to You, Almighty God. Break the bad luck, mend the misfortune, and lead me out of this darkness. I place my life in Your hands, confident that You will guide me towards a brighter future.

Liberate me from the burden of mishap, mayhem, and mischance with your Holy Spirit. And with your blessing, propel me into a cycle of positive outcomes, fortuitousness, and prosperity.


God’s Blessing: Divine serendipity.

Your dedication to reading the Prayer To Break Bad Luck is genuinely commendable. And because you prayed, the Great Intercessor is freeing you from the yoke of bad luck and misfortune. And launching you into a perpetual season of good luck, favor, and good fortune.

Don’t let problems keep you from getting what you want. Power Prayers.

Break Free From Bad Luck Via Prayer. 

You have just found the prayer to summon God’s yoke-destroying, burden-removing power. And praying today will provide you with a supernatural remedy to impossible issues, such as bad luck.

When we pray, every miracle, healing, and life-changing result will come via the Holy Spirit of God Almighty. His power will give you the magical antidote needed to resolve any adverse effects of misfortune.

Here are some specific Bible verses that talk about the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of the Great Intercessor:

Isaiah 10:27 – “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”

Acts 10:38 – “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for the Great Spirit was with him.”

Psalm 34:18 – “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Break The Bond Of Unluckiness.

Many call the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God an anointing. It is what sets people free from their unluckiness. And you do need to be set free. Being continuously unlucky is a sign of dealing with a negative spirit. And it is trying to enslave you.

The spirit of bad luck that curses people bad luck is a supernatural being. There are many different ways it can attach itself to you. Such as being born under an unlucky star. Coming into contact with a cursed object. Being in a place where a bad event happened. And so on. 

The spirit of bad luck is a supernatural entity that is will bring misfortune to those who come into contact with it. It is a dark, shadowy figure, and it can cause bad accidents, illness, and financial ruin. Or, at a bare minimum, it tries to trap you in bondage.

Either way, it is not good. And if left unchecked, your problems will only grow. Yet the good news is, you can be set free. Indeed, God will lift your load and break those chains of misfortune if you pray. 

God’s favor is waiting for you, so seize it. Intercessory Services.

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May the King of kings surround you with His goodness & good people. 

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