The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that can be used to manifest your wishes. But the new age twist is based on manifesting your wants by simply thinking. However, this approach is flawed because it ignores the role that God plays in it. Prayer For Law Of Attraction.
Blessing & Prayer For Law Of Attraction.
Heavenly Faher, I lament and seek your grace. And I ask you to break any unknown ancestral sins secretly inhibiting my life. Deliver me for loss, lack, and misfortune. And cleanse me so that I can freely receive and walk in your blessings. I turn to you, rather than the world, to fulfill my needs.
In faith, I ask you to grant my wish. Make manifest my personal wants. And I trust in you to materialize the desire of my heart. Unlock and invoke your law of attraction to improve and enhance my life. Open the door for me to receive your blessed miracles. Amen.
God’s Blessing: Manifesting the desires of your heart.
If you’ve said the “Prayer For Law Of Attraction,” the Lord of Lords is on your side. As a result, you’ll have the strength of a lion to face the challenges of this world. Like the phoenix, your weaknesses are being reborn as your greatest strengths.
Your fear and doubt will transform into confidence and bravery, just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. In addition, the Lord sends an army of angels from heaven to protect, bless, and assist you.
Furthermore, as you read this. The Holy Intercessor now releases His blessing to invoke the universal powers to allow you to manifest the wants and wishes you desire most.
We can help you get what you want or need. Intercessory Services.
A divine gift. Prayer For Law Of Attraction.
God’s Law of Attraction is based on the idea that this is a natural law set up by Himself. It is put in place to assist us in becoming our best. So the new age twist on it is of no concern to Yahweh or his way. But it could be of concern to you if you take the new approach and omit the Almighty.
The ways of the world are wicked. And only lead to hidden strings that bind one up in bondage, mayhem, and discord. The new-age way is only based upon your thoughts and cosmic forces (other than our Creator). That within itself is a recipe for disaster.
The fact that our Heavenly Father is in charge is the real “secret.” He has a wise and well-thought-out plan for us. The secret is to tune into Yahweh to know His will and heart instead of pursuing money, fame, power, and pleasure (in which there is nothing but emptiness).
We are to connect with our Creator. And ask Him to grant our hearts and minds’ desires. He then has that opportunity to provide us what we truly want. Else you’re relying upon the corrupt system of the world. And there are no good gifts that come from an evil source. And that is a fact.
Thus, trust in a divine source. And you shall undoubtedly receive good gifts. No hidden agenda or strings attached. Our heavenly Father created and set into motion this law of attraction. And is happy to invoke it for you.
Manifest your wishes.
Therefore there is no better place to turn. We can be empowered via the holy spirit. Who happily helps us manifest our wishes. And opens the door for us to receive Godly miracles.
You can have money, fame, power, love, and pleasure. Yet, It is at its best when it’s authored by the creator, who truly loves you.
Need help to tackle a challenge? Power Prayers.
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May God grant you the things you most desire in life.
I pray this Prayer For Law Of Attraction serves you well.