Prayer For Divine Foresight: Manifest Results

If you want to unlock sacred power, develop the gift of foresightedness.
We tell you how to gain divine foresight with easy-to-use methods such as prayer & visualizations. With practice, you can use this knowledge to manifest miraculous results and create your desired life.

Prayer For Divine Foresight.

Heavenly Father, Bless me with your divine gift of foresight to help me see into the future. Help me overcome my apprehensions about the unknown and give me the strength to confront whatever life throws at me. Anything may happen. Therefore, let me be ready for it.

Rescue me from the temptation and deception of my carnal mind. Let me speculate on what’s coming tomorrow and the following days. Be my guide so I may travel the straight and narrow road necessary to manifest my most wanted wishes, wants, and needs. Amen

God’s Blessing.

You said the prayer for a safe haven very well. And congrats because you just gave our Great Creator the chance to meet your needs and wants.

Now, trust in what the Lord of lords is doing for you. The Great Redeemer is releasing a blessing to rescue you from the deceptions of the carnal mind. Thus, your Foresight shall increase, allowing you to manifest and attain God’s blessed gifts (that being your most wanted wishes).

The Secret to Miracles: Prayer, Faith & Divine Foresight.

God has infused faith with foresight. Without it, faith would morph into nothing more than hope. Joshua is an excellent example of foresight in the Bible. He led Israel in the conquest of Canaan following the Exodus from Egypt. That required divine foresight.

Let us now apply this to our daily life. For the shout of victory, you need the faith of foresightedness. God will give you the vision and lead you. Yet, you must exercise confidence & conviction to see the desired results.

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Foresight provides the ability to foresee the future in the here and now. It is a cognitive capability. As a mental construct, it shapes our perception of the world and how we make sense and meaning from our interactions within this world.

Foresightedness is a divine gift.

Yet, most people never open it.

Without foresightedness, our minds retreat to what we already know, reject the unknown, and become victims of assumption walls. They are mental brick walls that create doubt and confine us to the limitations of this material realm.

By foreseeing, we can confront the dilemma of whatever situation, even though our thoughts tell us it is impossible. Forethought allows for the construction of alternative futures. Wishes become a reality.

The most common cause for the failure of prayer or a wish to come true is the absence of this divine foresightedness. Miracles are thwarted by it. People blame the Great Spirit when their desires don’t come true. Yet, a lack of precognition and the accompanying skepticism are to blame.

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Due to free will, God’s limitless power is constrained by the limitations of human minds. It’s entirely up to you what you decide to think and believe. Yet be ye forewarned. His miraculous powers can be nullified if your mind is trapped in unbelief.

Thus, your free will choice to believe or not to believe determines the ultimate outcome. The Great Spirit will not even try to override your free will. Faith and doubt are both governed by your free will choice.

Get the divine Gift of Foresight.

God cannot overcome your unbelief. There are a few of you who are asking, ‘Is that really true?’ ‘I felt He could accomplish anything.’ Yet, as stated, he can’t. Well, not that he can’t, because he can.

He desires to do it. He is ready for the task. The power of God is always available, but your distorted viewpoint stifles it. Your lack of faith is to blame, not God! He is a respecter of your free will.

Miracles are thwarted by the lack of foresight and the skepticism it produces. That’s it. And that is the truth. Fortunately, celestial precognition (foresight) is a divine gift the Great Spirit freely offers to all.

Here are some tips for developing the gift of foresight:

Meditate regularly. Meditation can help you quiet your mind and open yourself up to receiving divine guidance.

Visualize your desired outcome. When you visualize something, you create it in the unseen realm.

Pray for guidance. Ask God to help you develop the gift of foresight and to use it to achieve your goals.

If you are willing to follow our advice, you can develop foresight and unlock real divine power. With this blessed gift, you can see the future and use that knowledge to manifest wishes & create the life you desire.

But, to gain the precognition needed to crush the barriers between you and your good, I urge you to scroll back up and read or repeat the devotion For Divine Foresight. I know you’ll be blessed by reading the prayer. Pray it regularly to increase foresightedness and reap its rewards.

Do you need God to help you?

If you are having problems, God can help you. So please let us know. He is willing to assist if you are willing to ask. To ask for prayer, please write “Pray for me” or “Post your specific request” in the space below. We’ll pray for you as soon as we get your wish.

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I pray our Prayer For Divine Foresight serves you well.

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