The Power of the 72 Angels to Change Your Life

The 72 angels standing at the ready in heaven to reveal their secrets
The 72 angels standing at the ready in heaven to reveal their secrets

In the Bible, angels are sometimes described as beings who are “full of the glory of God” (Exodus 24:16). They are depicted as beings of light. But in reality, the 72 angels of God are a reflection of God’s essence and power. Or, said another way, they are actually extensions of God himself.

The Truth About the 72 Angels of God

Each name invokes and unleashes specific powers of God. The names of 72 angels come from the Shem HaMephorash, which originates from the Judaic Kabbalah. Yet, initially, the seventy-two names were known as The 72-fold name of God.

Thus, this creates much confusion in the modern era. Today people mistakenly try to call forth an angel when in reality, they should be calling upon our heavenly Father. The power these people seek comes from the almighty, not any angel.

But let’s address the confusion. The misunderstanding happened because, in the early days, men like Moses invoked some of the sacred titles from the 72-fold name of the Almighty to perform miracles. Then, as time passed, it was wrongly said those biblical men called upon angels.

Hence, the worship and summoning of angelic beings became a hot topic. And that, unfortunately, opened the door to hordes of demonic entities. It also marks the moment society began its downward spiral and explains the dark culture of violence and death we live in today.

But back to the misunderstanding. Yes, according to the Bible, our Heavenly Father created angels. The book of Genesis states that He created the angels “in the beginning” before he created the world. The angels are described as “ministering spirits” meant to serve God, not man.

Each angelic being has a different role to play in God’s plan for the world. They are His messengers, frequently depicted in the Bible as appearing to people to deliver important messages. They are also will to protect man from harm and help them to fulfill God’s will.

Use Heavenly Names to Manifest Your Desires.

But those angelic beings have no connection to the names used on this website. Yes, we say angels of God and use the label of archangel so & so. But that’s because it is the only way people know them. And the whole reason we are revealing this truth to you.

The truth dispels all confusion. And will allow you to literally use the miraculous powers you are seeking. The names of 72 angels are really parts of the 72-fold sacred titles of God. Men like Moses, Elijah, and Daniel used sacred titles of God to do miracles. And now you can too.

With this proper understanding, you can receive the miracle you need, unlock phenomenal powers for yourself, and more. You will be unleashing a universal power far greater than any angel. I am talking about releasing the astounding miracle-working superpower that kings would yield.

Great kings like David and Solomon would invoke the 72-fold name of the Almighty. King Solomon crafted the now-famous Solomon keys using parts of these seventy-two-fold names. He would use them to control demons, summon spirits, and gain his great wisdom.

And just for the record, he went down in the record books as the greatest king to ever rule over a kingdom here on Earth. Who on Earth would not want to yield such a miraculous superpower? And with this truth, you can.
It’s why millions seek out information about the 72 angels of God.

However, most never learn the truth and never get to yield the astounding miracle-working superpower they desire. The elite secret societies such as the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and Bilderbergs have successfully spread misinformation for ages to keep this truth hidden.

Secret Societies Don’t Want You To Know the Truth.

Again, this fact reveals the power of the sacred seventy-two-fold name. These secret societies rule the world using this power. And they do not want to share it with anyone other than their own. These groups have managed to keep humanity enslaved for ages.

But we are servants of the Great Spirit, better known as our Heavenly Father, and are here to set the captives free. Free to prosper in every way. Free to enjoy unlimited wealth and live life with total satisfaction. This is the way the Great Spirit intends for it to be.

So the choice is yours. Live like a blind slave to the oppressive 1 percent. Or break free and live life like the king or queen you are. The truth has set you free. And we have given you the tools to build your kingdom. Now go back to the list of the 72 angels ( the seventy-two-fold names) and select the name or names to unleash the powers you want to yield!

Sacred List of 72 Names

72angels #ShemHaMephorash #angelsofgod #selfhelp

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