Perpetual Protection Shield

Perpetual Protection Shield Of God Almighty

Everyone needs the Powerful Perpetual Protection Shield Of God. Violence and demonic activity are steadily rising in these last days. The Good news is that God’s Protection Shield can protect against the attacks, assaults, evil intent and cruelty of Satan and his Wicked horde. Stop allowing dark forces to wreak havoc in your life with God’s Protection Shield.

God’s shield and hedge of protection

The shield of our Heavenly Father is also known as a hedge of protection. It’s a multitool. On the one hand, it is preventive, helping you to keep the good stuff you have. And on the hand, it proactively blocks the fiery arrows of the wicked one that create ongoing or future disruptions, dysfunction, and destruction in your life.

Perpetual Protection Shield

Service includes
How our prayers help

Monthly – $25

Quarterly – $60 (Save $60 a yr.)

Half Year – $110 (Save $80 a yr.)

Yearly – $180 (Save $120 a yr.)

Power Prayer (single payment)

Divine protection is worth more than all the wealth in the world.

The truth of life is that you will be challenged by evil powers. Some will be cursed, while others will be afflicted by evil spirits. Furthermore, due to the plots of the Evil ones, most will never achieve financial independence, real love, or long-term happy partnerships.

A vast number of people will go through difficult times, and many will be plagued by bad luck and misfortune. Most will likely meet with major health issues, diseases, and viruses.

Our Heavenly Father does not cause these hardships. Evil is at the heart of every problem, bad thing, or difficulty. God wants you to do well and enjoy all the good things He provides. Yet, Satan lives to block, corrupt, and steal those blessings.

God wants all to dwell under his wing, protected from wickedness. However due to free will, The King of kings must be invited to protect you. And your openly inviting the King of kings to help when you choose to allow us to cover you in protective blessings and prayers.

This kind of protection is considerably more valuable than all the wealth in the world. We live in an age where dark forces are gaining more and more power. Thus, we see far more singles than couples. And much more poverty than prosperity.

Also, let’s not forget the increase in terrorism, civic upheaval, massacres in malls and schools, Family killing Families, and pandemics. In light of all the apparent risks in today’s world, it is a must-have. Supernaturally protecting yourself right now is the smart choice.

Don’t delay – Order today

Included in the subscription:

The power to block –

  • Negative energy & Curses
  • Nefarious spirits
  • Plots of the Evil ones
  • Harm from unseen Dangers

Also blessings of:

  • Favor
  • Good Fortune
  • Stability and peace

More info for the Perpetual Shield of Protection

Prayer & Supplication Schedule.

Rogations sessions
(Power prayers to protect).

  • Held every other EVEN hour, at 12 pm, 4 pm, etc.,

Prayerful meditation services
(Devoted to shielding and blessing).

  • Held every other ODD hour at 1 pm, 5 pm, etc.

Channeling positive energy
(Protective Supplications)

  • 3 am, 6 am, 9 pm, and midnight.

Global Alter (Virtual)

  • Meditation Services, Supplications, and Prayers 24/7

Monthly Shield of Protection
Quarterly Shield of Protection
Yearly Shield of Protection
Shield of Protection Power Prayer

Prayer services to gain the Perpetual Protection Shield Of God Almighty

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