God’s Messengers: Who or What Are Angels?

Open discussion and debate about God’s Messengers. Who or What Are Angels? The question piques the interest of everyone, regardless of religion, color, or nationality.

Our Question is:

Are Angels spiritual beings created by God (As individual entities)

and or are they extensions of God himself (like the Holy Spirit)?

Who or What Are Angels?

A Biblical Answer: Independant creations.

Angels are supernatural beings with better strength and ability than humans. (2 Peter 2:​11) They exist in heaven, also known as the spirit realm, which is a higher degree of existence than the physical cosmos. (See 1 Kings 8:27; John 6:38.) As a result, they are sometimes known as spirits. —Psalm 18:10; 1 Kings 22:21.

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A Jewish theory: Extensions of God.

Angels exist in the world as a ‘task’ of God. They are an extension of God to produce effects in this world. After an angel has completed its task, it ceases to exist. The angel is, in effect, the task.

Jewish philosopher Maimonides explained angels like this.

God, does not do things by direct contact. God intervenes by employing His disembodied intellect, these intellects being the ‘angels. Thus, disembodied minds emanate from God and are the intermediaries between God and all the bodies [objects] here in this world.

We do not believe in angels as divine beings separate from God. Instead, they are symbolic reminders of God around us all the time.

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Our view: Both

As agents of God, who perform tasks for God, to perform those tasks, they (the angels) would have to be considered creations of God. Yet, they are not entirely separate from God. But moreover, an extension of him.

Is this something you agree with, disagree with, or have a different theory about? Please share your thoughts.

God’s Messengers: what say you?

Don Stewart claims (paraphrased)

Angels are created entities; they do not exist in perpetuity. Since the Genesis creation account does not include angels, we know from other texts that they were created directly by our heavenly father.

Angels are individualized, unseen spirit beings created by God. In the created order, they have been elevated above humans. These personages do not have physical bodies like humans, but in the past, they adopt physical bodies for the sake of humanity.

They are sexless, deathless beings who serve as ministering spirits. The righteous angels’ role is to carry out God’s will.

Are you in agreement, or do you have an alternative explanation?
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God’s Messengers: What are they?

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