Elemiah (Hebrew: עלמיה), a mighty guardian angel, stands out within the angelic realm and Kabbalistic tradition. He is the fourth of the 72 angels of Shem HaMephorash and belongs to the prestigious choir of Seraphim. His name translates to “The Hidden God.” He can help you rule over life’s most challenging obstacles. See how Elemiah, the Guardian Angel, can help you.

Explore the ways Elemiah can help you.
In these uncertain times, Elemiah, the Hidden God, is a very powerful angel. Explore Elemiah’s influence & discover how this guardian angel can help you overcome life’s challenges, attain goals, & shape the destiny you desire.
Why summon Elemiah? How He Can Help You
Elemiah is your guardian angel if born
About Elemiah Guardian Angel
About summoning “The Hidden God”
Elemiah’s Character
Domains of Influence
Etymology & Significance for Elemiah
Attributes, colors, gems, etc
About the Guardian Angel: Elemiah.
Elemiah, the Hidden God, is a mighty guardian angel shrouded in mystery. Ancient texts whisper his presence as a celestial being of unwavering strength and loyalty. Though unseen, his influence offers steadfast support and guidance to those who call upon him.
Elemiah’s influence extends to various aspects of life, particularly when facing destructive tendencies, financial hardship, and negative influences. He is a beacon of hope for those seeking to overcome challenges and shape their destiny.
Elemiah’s origins weave through the tapestry of ancient myths and religious texts. Whispers of his influence echo in Sumerian cuneiform tablets, where he is identified as a protector guarding humanity from evil.
Later Abrahamic traditions depict him as a mighty angel associated with the divine realm of the Seraphim, wielding his strength on behalf of the righteous. Even Eastern mysticism references a celestial being remarkably similar to Elemiah, a guardian spirit offering guidance and protection to those on enlightenment.
Elemiah is believed to possess a unique connection to thunder and lightning. Legends claim he channels the storm’s fury to cleanse negativity and pave the way for positive transformation, leaving those he helps feeling invigorated and ready to face new beginnings.
About Summoning Angels.
For those gifted few who possess the knowledge to conduct their own summoning rituals, we offer specialized “DIY Summoning Kits.” However, for most, Elemiah’s guidance is most effectively accessed through a sacred ceremony performed by Angelic Communicators like myself. We understand the intricacies of angelic communication and can ensure a safe and successful connection with Elemiah.
Safe and Powerful Connection with Guardian Angel Elemiah
While some may choose to perform self-guided rituals to connect with angelic beings, navigating these rituals can be complex. Our Angelic Communicators, like myself, are highly trained and experienced in facilitating sacred ceremonies to connect you with Elemiah, your guardian angel.
Why Choose a Facilitated Ceremony?
By choosing a ceremony guided by an Angelic Communicator, (by ordering a summoning session) you can ensure:
- Safety: We understand the intricacies of angelic communication and can ensure a safe and successful connection with Elemiah.
- Clarity: Our communicators can guide you through the ceremony, answer your questions, and provide insights to maximize your experience.
- Focus: A facilitated ceremony allows you to fully focus on receiving Elemiah’s guidance and blessings, without the worry of navigating the ritual itself.
Links for the kits and summoning service are listed on all the topic pages. (like the pages listed in the section below).
Why summon Elemiah?
In these uncertain times, many face challenges that threaten to derail their progress. If you find yourself battling destructive tendencies, struggling with financial hardship, or overwhelmed by negative influences, Elemiah, the Hidden God, and guardian angel, can be your saving grace.
Stop Self-destructive behaviors
Escape Financial Hardships
Tame Toxicity & Negativity
Explore the ways Elemiah’s influence, as your guardian angel, can empower you to overcome these obstacles and shape the destiny you desire.
Derail Destructive tendencies.
Feeling trapped in a cycle of self-sabotaging behaviors? This celestial guardian’s unwavering strength will help you shatter negative habits and patterns that hold you back. He will empower you and provide you with the support needed to build a more positive and productive life.
– Shattering self-sabotage
– Eliminate Eating Disorders
– Resolving Rumination
Freedom From Financial Hardships.
Are you struggling with debt or feeling trapped in poverty? Angelic influence can bring about positive change in your financial life. It will open doors to new opportunities for monetary security and prosperity.
– Debt
– Escape Poverty
– Favored by Fortune
Overcoming Negative Influences
Do you find yourself surrounded by negativity or struggling with self-doubt? This heavenly protector’s unwavering support will shield you against toxic influences and limiting beliefs. He can help you discern deception, break free from negative thought patterns, and confidently move forward on your path to fulfillment.
– Discerning Deception (uncover lies)
– Break free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
– Defeat Self-Doubt
– Protection from Toxic Influences
The Guardian Angel Elemiah possesses many Divine Powers, which he uses to guide and protect his wards. Some of the critical powers associated with Elemiah include:
All Stats: Duties, Virtues, and Powers of Elemiah.
Character & Domain:
Appearance: Often depicted as a warrior angel, clad in shining armor and wielding a sword.
Personality: Known for being resolute, determined, and fiercely protective.
Domain: Success, Protection, Divine Power.
Choir/Order: Seraphim (Highest Angelic Order)
Powers: Grants access to the hidden potential within ourselves, empowering us to overcome obstacles, achieve success, and find protection. Additionally, he can shield us from negativity and guide us towards wise decisions.
Etymology & Significance: Elemiah.
Meaning of the Name: “Hidden God”
Deus Absconditus (The hidden or concealed God).
Kabbalistic Meaning:
Represents the hidden potential within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.
Name as derived from Hebrew words:
“El” (God) and “memirah” (hidden, speech)
Various interpretations of the Hebrew words:
Elemiah signifies the Divine power residing within us, waiting to be revealed through action and perseverance.
Alternative Names: Elemia, Melmia
The Book of Psalms Chapter 6:5
Latin Vulgate 6:5 revertere Domine erue animam meam salva me propter misericordiam tuam
King James Version 6:5 Return, O LORD, deliver my soul; oh, save me for thy mercies’ sake.
Additional aspects of character.
Element: Fire (symbolizing transformation and purification)
Zodiac Sign: Aries (associated with leadership, courage, and initiative)
Symbolism: Sometimes shown with a laurel wreath representing victory, achievement, and overcoming challenges.
Symbolic Connections.
Light: Since he helps people tap into their inner potential and hidden knowledge, light can symbolize the illumination and clarity he brings. Some depict him bathed in a radiant glow or holding a torch.
Seraphim: As a member of the Seraphim choir, He is often associated with fire. This fire can represent the burning passion for success and divine connection that he ignites within believers.
Hidden Knowledge: Some depict him with a book or scroll, symbolizing the esoteric knowledge and hidden truths he unveils.
Scales: Represent balance and justice, reflecting Elemiah’s influence on fair leadership and decision-making.
Broken Chains: Chains can symbolize the limitations and obstacles that Elemiah helps people overcome. Their breaking signifies newfound freedom and empowerment.
Helping Hand: A hand reaching down can symbolize Elemiah’s role as a guardian angel, offering protection and guidance.
Watchful Eye: The watchful eye signifies his vigilance in protecting those who call upon them.
The #4: He is the fourth of Shem HaMephorash’s 72 angels. Thus, #4 represents stability, foundation, and order.
2 Responses
Is Elemiah male or female? I see him/her depicted both ways. I am confused.
thanks for the question. Unlike humans, angels are spirit beings without a biological sex. They are not classified as male or female in the conventional sense. But angels are portrayed in the Bible as male. But keep in mind it was written by men during a time when women were often not considered equal to men. Nonetheless, the reason you see Elemiah being depicted both ways is that angels are not classified as male or female in the conventional sense, as they are spiritual beings.