Angelic beings are powerful agents and messengers of God, learn the Truths about archangels and astonishing Angel facts.

Best Angel facts: Truths about archangels

Here you will find the most extensive collection of astonishing facts regarding each angel and all archangels. We will shed light on God’s most enigmatic creations. Learn their names, what makes them special and more.


  • Angelic hierarchy
  • Names of the 72 angels
  • Archangels and their roles
  • What are the three archangels famous for?
  • Who is the primary angel of God?
  • What are God’s seven archangels?
  • Angel Directory

Astonishing Facts about Angels and Archangels.

Angelic hierarchy.

The most recognized angelic hierarchy comes from the Christian faith. The outline comes from a book written in the 5th or 6th century by Pseudo-Dionysius, known as the Areopagite.

In his celestial hierarchy, Dionysius identified nine spiritual being levels, which he classified into three orders:

Highest rank: Seraphim, Cherubim & Thrones
Middle ranking: Dominions, Virtues & Powers
Lowest order: Principalities, Archangels, & Angels

The 72 angels: Origins, Duties, and Names.

The Kabbalistic system is the source and foundation for the 72 Angel names. The excavation of a medieval Spanish grotto in 1975 discovered Kabbalistic texts from the 11th through 15th centuries, revealing a means to connect and engage directly with the divine. For in-depth info, visit the Angel list.

Shemhamphorasch refers to the 72 expressions that bore the name of God. As a result, each angel is regarded as a facet of our heavenly father; they are energetic incarnations and vibratory manifestations of his divine characteristics and personality. To see each name and learn about every angel – View the: 72 angels List

Names of the Archangels.

1. Vehuiah 2. Jeliel 3. Sitael 4. Elemiah 5. Mahasiah 6. Lelahel 7. Achaiah 8. Cahetel 9. Haziel 10. Aladiah 11. Lauviah. 12. Hahaiah 13. Yezalel 14. Mebahel 15. Hariel 16. Hekamiah 17. Lauviah 18. Caliel 19. Leuviah 20.Pahaliah 21. Nelchael Yeiayel 23. Melahel 24. Haheuiah

25. Nithaiah 26. Haaiah 27. Yerathel 28. Seheiah 29. Reiyel 30. Omael 31. Lecabel 32. Vasariah 33. Yehuiah 34. Lehahiah 35. Chavaquiah 36. Menadel 37. Aniel 38. Haamiah 39. Rehael 40. Yezael 41. Hehahel 42. Mikael 43. Veuliah 44. Yelahiah 45. Sehaliah 46. Ariel 47. Asaliah 48. Mihael

49. Vehuel 50. Daniel 51. Hahasiah 52. Imamiah 53. Nanael 54. Nithael 55. Mebahiah 56. Poyel 57. Nemamiah 58. Yeialel 59. Harael 60. Mitzrael 61. Umabel 62. Iah Hel 63. Anauel 64. Mehiel Damabiah 66. Manakel 67. Eyael 68. Habuhiah 69. Rochel 70. Jabamiah 71. Haiaiel 72. Mumiah

To learn about each angel – View the: 72 angels List

Angel Facts: Duties / Roles Of The Archangels.

Their primary role is to awaken our consciousness to the divine presence that exists inside all of us. They act as a step-down transformer for the energy of the High voltage source we call God.

Thus, these angelic souls help God’s energy to flow harmoniously into our human system when we pray to God. They are like regulators who ensure the proper voltage control so we can receive every amp we can handle.

By praying, we connect to that power, which activates aspects of the divine within us. And we can become more conscious of our potential. It isn’t that God needs their help. We do. We are the ones who have lost contact with the divine presence inside us. Or said plainly, they illuminate our spiritual path back to God.

Acting as a regulator or spirit guide is an impressive undertaking within itself. However, each angel has many more duties, roles, responsibilities, and tasks. They also manage many aspects of life on Earth, including protecting, guiding, helping, and inspiring humanity. Plus, maintaining order within the world of nature, and much more.

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