Om chant: Secret benefits of chanting Om

Benefits of chanting Om
Benefits of chanting Om

What are the benefits of chanting Aum or Om? Well, it is more than just a sound; it is a universal wave. We all possess the tremendous sound of om. According to ancient texts, it links all creatures to the natural world and the cosmos. It energizes our mind and body, which is just one of the many benefits of the Aum or Om chant.

  1. The benefits of chanting Om
  2. What does the Om chant do for you?
  3. What are Om’s three main advantages?
  4. Does Om chanting affect the brain?
  5. Why do some repeat “Om” twenty-one times?
  6. Are Amen and Om the same thing?
  7. How does Om relate to God?

The benefits of chanting Om

Yes, Om Chanting energizes our minds and body. But it has many more benefits; a big one is removing negative energy from all the chakra centers. Negative energy clogs and disrupts these energy centers.

And a disrupted energy flow causes conflict, leading to mental, bodily, and spiritual issues. A blockage prevents you from receiving blessings, obtaining goals, having good luck, and attaining favorable outcomes.

When the chakras are balanced, aligned, and unblocked, energy flows freely through them, harmonizing and energizing your body, mind, and soul. It promotes favorable outcomes and good luck. More importantly, it opens a clear channel to the divine so you can freely receive blessings.

Thus, we use the “Aum” chant to clear and align the chakra.

It is one of the critical steps you must take if you wish to – Connect with angels.

Chanting Om is so beneficial. It is good for the stomach, calms your mind, and brings positive energy into your body. Plus, it helps reduce stress and anxiety and control anger, thus, lowering blood pressure.

Additionally, it purifies your environment and creates positive energy that makes you happier and stress-free. It also improves your ability to focus and concentrate. And chanting Aum has plenty of other health benefits.

It improves your immunity and self-healing power, saving you from many diseases. And oh, by the way, it provides relief from sinus problems. The list goes on and on.

What does the Ohm chant do for you?

Om is a mantra that unites the mind and the spirit, allowing one to enter a higher state of consciousness. Additionally, it controls the materially focused mind, allowing one to gain a profound focus on spiritual attunement, enlightenment, connection, and realization.

What are the three main advantages of chanting Om?

  1. It reduces stress and calms the mind.
  2. Promotes a deeper state of relaxation and physical healing.
  3. Deeper relaxation and focus allow us to tune into our bodies.

This Aum mantra clears the area’s energy, allowing positive and healing power to envelop us. Combining that with mental focus and physical relaxation makes the ideal environment for a profoundly healing practice.

Does Oms chant affect the brain?

Forget about brain exercises; this chant takes half the time and is far more powerful. According to scientific evidence, reciting Om’s is extremely good for the brain.

The mantra can boost learning and memory by increasing the brain’s theta (wave) amplitude. It also improves mindfulness, attentiveness, and working memory. The chant also causes limbic inactivation. It is similar to vagus nerve stimulation, which is for treating depression.

However, the most significant advantage is that you obtain peace of mind. It is a positive vibe that clears our minds of negativity. That is a win-win situation. Again, the list is endless.

Chanting Om: Why Repeat the Omkara twenty-one times?

Omkara is just another name for Om. Here are a few more variations of the word: Omkara, aumkara, auṃkāra, and Pranava are just a few other variations of the name that we may use, so don’t get confused by the wording. We’re not changing the topic, just using other proper titles.

Anyway, Why Repeat the “Omkara” sound twenty-one times?

The number 21 is not a random number; believe me, each of the 21 Oms serves a function.

The first five chants are for the organs of action: hands, feet, vocal cords, the anus, and generative organs.

Next, we target the Five organs of sense: skin, tongue, ear, nose, and eye, which correlate with touching, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.

Then we hit the body’s five vital airs. Because these crucial airs do not appear to have English names, we use their Sanskrit names. They are: prana, apana, vyana, samana , and udana.

Next, we cover the five encasings or sheaths: the material sheath, the vital air sheath, the mental-emotional sheath, the intellect sheath, and the happiness sheath.

The final one is for the individual and their self-realization.

Chanting twenty Oms cleanses and clarifies the five action organs, five perception organs, five vital airs, and five sheaths. It prepares the human for union with the Supreme.

Are Amen and Om the same thing?

The sacred Cosmic Sound of Aum (Om) or Amen bears witness to the manifested Divine Presence across all creation. The holy word “Aum” of the Vedas became “Hum” of the Tibetans, “Amin” of the Muslims, and “Amen” of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians.

But to be precise. The “Omkara” represents a sound. In contrast, Amen is a closing statement. Nevertheless, the sacred cosmic sound is the genesis of the word Amen. However, Christians will try to deny it.

How does Om relate to God?

Vedic writings say the Ah-Ooo-Ma sound is the source of all creation. They say God created sound before the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and sky. Thus, the Omkara or Aum sound is the vibrational frequency of the entire universe. Yogis say it is the title of the formless aspect of God.

The prolonged sound Ah-Ooo-Ma, Ohm, or Aum are also intensely religious symbols in Indian philosophy, where they believe God created sound first and then everything else evolved from it. According to the Upanishads, it is God in the form of sound.

You may recognize God as the Alpha and Omega if you are familiar with Christian iconography. That is a reference to the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and it means that God is all-encompassing. The same is true for the sounds Ah-Ooo-Ma, Ohm, and Aum.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the benefits of chanting Om.

OM Chant/Chanting @ 528Hz




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