Archangel Info needed from the client. 

To summons the Archangel – Info is needed!

Please send info after placing your order!

To ask questions before ordering? Contact form
Or contact us directly –

To summons the archangel for you,
We need some basic info from you.

Your Name
Target(s) name
The archangel’s Name
Your Main intention \ Specific goal
OPTIONAL INFO – birthdays, nicknames, pics, etc

​We can’t start the summoning until we receive your info

To Order the summoning kit
to summons the archangel yourself

Your Name
The archangel’s Name

​We can’t mail out the summoning kit until after we receive your info

About Info needed for the Archangel.

Again, to be clear. We can only start on your order once your info is received. Your summoning kit will be mailed, or the summoning of your angel will take place within 24 hours of receiving your information.

We will begin the spiritual services to properly prep your order within hours of orders. Meaning the essential prayers needed to release your divine helper to you will take place quickly. This is a fundamental step to summon a being of light. So after receiving an order, services start fast.

But the actual summoning or mailing out of the summoning kit can only happen after we get your info.

Keep the info short and sweet

Please keep your goal focused and relevant to the goal you wish to obtain. Every day, we receive a large number of orders. So, please keep your email direct and specific (short and sweet), that’s a win-win situation for all of us.

It’s not that we’re uninterested in your story or the history of your circumstance. However, we want to concentrate on getting you the outcome you desire. And we only need the most basic information to do so.

Excessive information slows everything down – for you, us, the summoner, and everyone else. A concise and specific goal will help you achieve your objectives. It also expedites the procedure. A straightforward email is a win-win situation for all of us.

Angels of the Arch take it one job at a time

Archangels produce the best results without being weighed down by multiple non-related duties. For example, if wanting your cosmic helper to assist you in obtaining wealth. Do not also ask for a spouse and healing. These requests are not related. And will diminish overall production.

Any additional goals you wish to add should directly relate to your primary objective. But the more duties, tasks, wants, or desires you add, the less effective an archangel will be. Thus, keep your request as specific as possible to attain the best possible result or outcome.

Power up your Archangel.

Your archangel performs miracles when empowered! And there are several ways you can help ensure they operate at full power. First, as said above. Keep their mission specific and limit additional tasks.

Second. If you have multiple off-topic needs, wants, desires, or wishes, you should order a summoning to address each separately. The summoning itself empowers and gives direction to the archangel. Every time the angel is summoned, they increase in power and wisdom. And that only benefits you.

Third. Our intercessory service is the best way to power up your celestial agent. This allows us to continually pray for your request to manifest. And furthermore. As part of our intercessory program, we offer full-time and ongoing Sacramental adjurations. And what’s that, you ask?

A Sacramental adjuration is the channeling of holy energy that provides a solemn charge to increase an archangel of the Shemhamphorasch’s power, effectiveness & devotion to you and your cause. Hence, there is no better way to ensure the archangel stays at full miracle-working power.

Order the summoning, then come back & order the intercession service


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