The Complete 72 Angels List: Find Love, Wealth & More

Below is a comprehensive list of all 72 Angels of God, derived from the ancient Shemhamphorash. Each entry includes details of each angel’s Attributes, Duties, Qualities, Virtues, Influence, Abilities, and Powers. These celestial beings offer blessings to enrich your overall well-being, including specific areas like health, wealth, love life, and spirituality. Search list of angels: Name or Category

the 72 Angels list featuring the angels of the Shemhamphorash.

Dive deeper into the world of the 72 Angels!

To unlock the secrets of the 72 Angels of God, we invite you to explore our dedicated page showcasing their areas of influence. Here, you’ll find detailed information on each angel, allowing you to discover the perfect celestial companion to support your specific needs.

1. Vehuiah
2. Jeliel
3. Sitael
4. Elemiah
5. Mahasiah
6. Lelahel
7. Achaiah
8. Cahetel
9. Haziel
10. Aladiah
11. Lauviah
12. Hahaiah
13. Yezalel
14. Mebahel
15. Hariel
16. Hekamiah
17. Lauviah
18. Caliel
19. Leuviah
20. Pahaliah
21. Nelchael
22. Yeiayel
23. Melahel
24. Haheuiah

25. Nithaiah
26. Haaiah
27. Yerathel
28. Seheiah
29. Reiyel
30. Omael
31. Lecabel
32. Vasariah
33. Yehuiah
34. Lehahiah
35. Chavaquiah
36. Menadel
37. Aniel
38. Haamiah
39. Rehael
40. Yezael
41. Hehahel
42. Mikael
43. Veuliah
44. Yelahiah
45. Sehaliah
46. Ariel
47. Asaliah
48. Mihael

49. Vehuel
50. Daniel
51. Hahasiah
52. Imamiah
53. Nanael
54. Nithael
55. Mebahiah
56. Poyel
57. Nemamiah
58. Yeialel
59. Harael
60. Mitzrael
61. Umabel
62. Iah Hel
63. Anauel
64. Mehiel
65. Damabiah
66. Manakel
67. Eyael
68. Habuhiah
69. Rochel
70. Jabamiah
71. Haiaiel
72. Mumiah

But the names on the 72 Angels List goes beyond typical names. These divine epithets have Godly power. In reality, these are the 72 attributes of God Himself. And each name has miraculous, unique abilities and capabilities.

So people seek out and use this info to become wealthy, obtain true love, restore romantic relationships, dump depression, dispel anger, overcome chronic health conditions, and much more.

Browse our checklist to uncover each angel’s secrets, spiritual gifts, qualifications, or special powers you wish to discover.

Angelic help is here for you.

    • What is the Hebrew word for an angel?
    • Who are the 7 archangels in the Bible?
    • Are the 72 angels mentioned in the Bible?
    • Where did God’s 72 names come from?
    • Which angel was the first to be created?
    • How to connect/work with Angels?

Moses successfully uses these 72-fold names to cross the Red Sea, and they can still grant holy people the power to heal the sick, cast out demons, kill adversaries, prevent natural disasters, obtain love or money, and so much more.

Today, we recognize these godly attributes as the names of angels. And in our beautifully designed list, you will discover detailed descriptions of each moniker of every angel. Learn about the power of the names. Many browse the list to find specific angel name to unleash that cosmic force for personal gains. ( Go to list )

Where does the word angel come from?

Many also ask, what is the Hebrew name for angels? The English word “angel” comes from the Greek word Angelos, which means “to send.” The Hebrew name for angels is Malach (Malachim in the plural) which means messenger. And these angelic beings are agents of God.

What is the name of all God’s angels? The 7 archangels.

Enoch 20:1–8 speaks of seven holy angels that keep watch. They are: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sariel, Raguel, and Remiel. However, in the Life of Adam and Eve, only 5 make the list. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Joel. Yet, Joel does not make the list in the book of Enoch.

The names of these seven archangels are from non-canonical Apocryphal works written after the Hebrew Bible but before the New Testament, such as the Book of Tobit, III and IV Esdras, and as seen above Enoch. ( But what’s in a name? )

Are the 72 angels mentioned in the Bible?

Yes, but the 72 Angels List is not written straight out. The names stem from three phrases in Moses’ second book, which is known as the Shemot. These phrases refer to God and are in chapter 14, verses 19, 20, and 21.

The three phrases contain 72 letters, each following one after the other. And the phrases refer to divine acts or ways the Creator makes himself visible to everyone. An example would be God taking the form of a cloud during the day and a luminous pillar at night.

Anyway, the first letter of the first phrase, the last letter of the second phrase, and the first letter of the third phrase are combined to form the name of the first angel. It continues in this way, creating 72 names.

It represents the 72 fold-names of God. Angels are energy embodiments and vibratory representations of the divine’s characteristics and being; the 72 fold-names job is to awaken us to God’s power and his powerful spirit inside us.

Where did God’s 72 names come from?

The Shemot. In English, we translate it as Exodus. And we find the Exodus story in the second book of Moses. The English version comes from the Septuagint (Greek), where the word exodus refers to the rescue of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery and their safe passage through the Red Sea. A.K.A the Shemot.

As a Torah Scroll, the Shemot contains 6,762 Hebrew letters, 1,763 Hebrew words, 124 verses, and 215 lines. Jewish people read it on the thirteenth Sabbath following Simchat Torah, usually in late December or early January.

Where do God’s 72 names come from? The three successive verses from Exodus 14:19-21 each contain 72 letters, a rare occurrence. Letters within these three verses are arranged into 72 triplets and form the 72 “names” of the almighty.

Who was the First angel?

The race to claim the title of the first angel is up for grabs. Many claim that the first angelic creation of God was the supreme archangel. However, the question is, who is he? And there are several answers to this question.

Nonetheless, several candidates do stand out. Some of the top contestants are Lucifer, Jesus, Zamariel, and Micheal. But there are still other contenders to be named.

So who is the supreme archangel? We have four prospects many say are the most powerful in the entire angelic realm. And each occupies very different roles within the Celestial kingdom.

Gabriel sets the agenda; the leader is Michael, Uriel is the greatest general ever, and The peacemaker is Raphael. These are just some, yet, there are still other contestants. The debate is far from over and continues on it’s very own post. Who, in your estimation, is God’s first creation?

Read more / post your suggestion – RIGHT HERE

Working With Angels.

Angels are available to assist you in various practical and personal ways, including love, healing, protection, direction, money, and illumination. Also, working with angels connects us to our higher selves.

Many people want to know how to get the angels to help them. The problem is that people worldwide act like rebels without a cause. People nowadays choose to chart their own path.

Unfortunately, the majority have no connection to the master planner. So, What is the end result? They are not experiencing angelic intervention, supernatural breakthroughs, or miracles.

Thus, the question isn’t why am I not receiving divine assistance, but rather, for the rebel roamers out there, do you have any authority to summon the angels? If you did, the angels would be working with you right now. And blessing would abound.

God rewards our life missions when we are under His authority. As a result, God will appoint heavenly hosts to assist us on our journey. God’s authority is the key to receiving supernatural breakthroughs, angelic involvement, and miracles.

The 72 Angels of God.

For thousands of years, the 72 Angels of God have been revered as celestial beings offering guidance and blessings to humanity. Derived from the ancient Shemhamphorasch, these angels each embody a unique aspect of the Divine. Whether you seek to improve your health, wealth, love life, or spiritual connection, there’s an angel ready to help you on your journey.

Angels are more than just celestial beings. They are our friends, guardians, guides, and protectors, offering unwavering support on your life’s journey. Each angel embodies a specific aspect of the Divine. Thus, they can improve your health, wealth, love, relationships, spirituality, and more. As you delve deeper into the 72 Angels List, you’ll discover how to connect and unlock these powerful forces’ unique blessings.

Do you want to learn how to summon an angel?

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